Instagram- the most loved photo-sharing app, is in news these days because of many reasons. They are bringing about several changes in the app and have now removed the Follwing tab from the notifications section.
The Following tab:
This tab was launched in 2011 and enabled users to see what other people are up to on Instagram. If you are following a certain person on Instagram, you could easily see their activities and get a peek into who they are following, which pictures they are liking and what they are commenting.
The primary reason for introducing this tab was to let people explore more accounts, but it turned out to be a disadvantage when people started using it for stalking purposes. This became an issue concerning the privacy of users.
With the introduction of Explore tab on Instagram, it became the choice for users to look for new hashtags, content and people to follow.
Apart from this, the Following tab wasn’t of use to many people. A number of people forgot or never even knew that it existed in the first place.
One reason to remove this tab is to add to the overall dynamics that Instagram is trying to bring in. It is shifting its focus from offering a huge discovery platform to people. They are now concerned with letting users connect to the people they actually care about. Just some time ago, Instagram launched ‘Threads’ which is a messaging option to use with your ‘close friends’ list. Therefore, even the removal of ‘following activity’ tab is an added advantage to that experience.

Image courtesy: BuzzFeed News
Vishal Shah, Head of Product, Instagram declared that ‘simplicity’ is the drive for removing the following tab. People didn’t always know that their activity is surfacing. He doubts if the feature is gauging the purpose that it was originally meant for.
In all, Instagram is being more thoughtful towards the user’s worries regarding the violation of their privacy and looking forward to providing a simpler experience to its users.
Did you use Instagram’s Following tab? How will it change your use of the platform?
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