Pruthvi Panchal

15 Best Taglines And Slogans Of Brands
Over the years, thousands and thousands of taglines and slogans have come and gone, but...
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Colour and Emotions evoked by them in Branding
Your brand identity defines how the world perceives your brand. Colour is an integral component...
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What Happens On The Internet Every 60 Seconds
A lot can happen in a minute. Sixty seconds can pass in the blink of...
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how brands celebrated pride month 2019
How Brands Celebrated Pride Month in 2019
June is celebreated across the world as Pride Month. Let’s see how some of the...
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mobile phone social media mobile app promote
Promote App On Social Media With 6 Easy Ways
Want to increase your app downloads or engage existing users? Find out how you can...
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Font Family of Famous Brands
Brands and their Typefaces
Each one of us is fond of one or the other brand and have preferences...
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